Player Score Player Score Spread
Adheekshana Ranushan 502 Sasmitha Rivihansa 242
Adheesha Dissanayake 431 Archana Padumadasa 384
Miyasi Premaratne 307 Aidha Nafeel 243
Aranya Bandusena 288 Sajani Gamage 239
Ilham Irshad 300 Chanul Edirisinghe 369
Deera Wijesundara 501 Minuka Subasinghe 305
Thenura Gunasekera 356 Dinadi Niriella 302
Preethi Perera 283 Dinadi Thilakaratne 260
Fareeda Akbarally 369 Pasindu Wijewardena 374
Hivin Dilmith 506 Kevan Croos 272
Imad Irshad 451 Ruchitha Gurugamage 361
Inam Irshad 385 Indunil Amarasinghe 544
Kavindu Malawaraarachchi 335 Priya Fernando 469
Okitha Wijayakeerthi 211 Kenuli Pallewatte 274
Kithnuli Amarasinghe 209 Yonal Hettiarachchi 409
Sandev Herath 263 Kumari Goonasekara 493
Kyaan Perera 331 Neville Perera 361
Lalantha Amarasinghe 289 Wimal Fernando 407
Methuki De Silva 302 S.Saravanakayan 385
Sonal Hettiarachchi 310 Mithum Nanayakkara 379
Thulnith De Silva 480 Hema Abeysinghe 340
Nishanya Gammanpila 386 Nethuka Sathsilu 340
Sanuthi Chandrakumar 369 Pasindu Malawaraarachchi 368
Aathif Kamil 375 Sandanindu Batheegama 377
Thejana Bandara 387 Shamil Insaf 310
Showing results for round #12 of the Scrabbler of the Year (SOY) 2023-Leg 1. Please see below for for other rounds links.