Game Result Player Score Player Score Spread Total Spread Wins Position
1 Lost Hivin Dilmith 559 Ankitha Kariyawasam 161 398 -398 0.0/1 999
2 Lost Ankitha Kariyawasam 175 Pramod Nanayakkara 186 11 -409 0.0/2 999
3 Won Selvakumar Rindgithan 199 Ankitha Kariyawasam 222 23 -386 1.0/3 999
4 Lost Ankitha Kariyawasam 199 Hawwa Nasrullah 388 189 -575 1.0/4 999
5 Lost Ankitha Kariyawasam 255 Vihanga Gunasekara 292 37 -612 1.0/5 108
Showing standings after the last completed round. To see results for each round, please select round number from the list below