Player Score Player Score Spread
Kavindu Malawaraarachchi 471 Nishanya Gammanpila 355
Sandanindu Batheegama 515 Inam Irshad 332
Sachiv Prasath 338 Ishini Tharendra 427
Archana Padumadasa 404 Hivin Dilmith 507
Narmada Rathnayake 271 Kyaan Perera 320
Adheesha Dissanayake 456 Desandu Pitadeniya 367
Ilham Irshad 403 Thulnith De Silva 497
Chanul Edirisinghe 387 Dinuli Premaratne 302
Pasindu Wijewardena 419 Kaumadee Balasinghe 420
Banuljith Dasnaka 355 Aminthika Dissanayak 352
Showing results for round #16 of the WYC Selection Tournament 2023. Please see below for for other rounds links.