Player Score Player Score Spread
Dammika Witharana 385 Hivin Dilmith 416
Nimuthu Witharana 451 Wimal Fernando 346
Vinith Bawantha 398 Sandanindu Batheegama 319
Banuljith Dasnaka 505 Vinuri Nimthara 260
Dinuli Premaratne 597 Arka Rathnayake 220
Nonithma Dharmadasa 447 Dulneth Dharmadasa 225
Kimaya Mawananehewa 327 Anil Wickramasinghe 364
Kumari Goonesekera 553 Thulnith De Silva 256
Nethindu Sethunga 327 Thenuka Kalansooriya 312
Tineth Kaveeshaa 231 Ruchitha Gurugamage 271
Chamodya Sewwandi 220 Amila-Rathnayaka 291
Showing results for round #4 of the Southern Scrabbler Leg 1. Please see below for for other rounds links.