Game Result Player Score Player Score Spread Total Spread Wins Position
1 Meththa Pasiduni -100 Bye -100 0.0/1
2 Meththa Pasiduni -100 Bye -200 0.0/2
3 Meththa Pasiduni -100 Bye -300 0.0/3
4 Meththa Pasiduni -100 Bye -400 0.0/4
5 Meththa Pasiduni -100 Bye -500 0.0/5
6 Meththa Pasiduni -100 Bye -600 0.0/6
7 Meththa Pasiduni -100 Bye -700 0.0/7
8 Meththa Pasiduni -100 Bye -800 0.0/8
9 Meththa Pasiduni -100 Bye -900 0.0/9
10 Lost Minudi Ranasinghe 492 Meththa Pasiduni 89 -1303 0.0/10 38
11 Lost Meththa Pasiduni 191 Sethum Asalage 366 -1478 0.0/11 39
12 Lost Inuli Asalage 372 Meththa Pasiduni 175 -1675 0.0/12 39
13 Lost Meththa Pasiduni 251 Inuli Asalage 351 -1775 0.0/13 39
14 Lost Timeesha Abeyrathna 292 Meththa Pasiduni 185 -1882 0.0/14 39
15 Lost Inuli Asalage 311 Meththa Pasiduni 226 -1967 0.0/15 39
16 Lost Meththa Pasiduni 253 Timeesha Abeyrathna 410 -2124 0.0/16 39
17 Lost Meththa Pasiduni 294 Lakmali Chandrasena 318 -2148 0.0/17 39
18 Lost Timeesha Abeyrathna 350 Meththa Pasiduni 258 -2240 0.0/18 39
Showing standings after the last completed round. To see results for each round, please select round number from the list below