Player Score Player Score Spread
Priya Fernando 459 Dinuli Premaratne 378
Kalpana Senevirathna 408 Kumari Goonesekera 443
Tharindvi Gunasekara 348 Neville Perera 343
Anil Wickramasinghe 327 Sethmi Jayasinghe 413
Banuljith Dasnaka 251 Kavindu Malawaraarachchi 444
Malitha Goonawardena 483 Preethi Perera 288
Hivin Dilmith 442 Sarindu Willaddarage 346
Wimal Fernando 362 Adheesha Dissanayake 551
Indunil Amarasinghe 418 Qays Sangani 387
Lalantha Amarasinghe 374 Minaya Kulasinghe 407
Isula Niduwara 517 Samanmali De Silva 164
Ahamed Akeel 312 Sandali Vithanage 373
Bye Nonithma Dharmadasa 100
Dammika Witharana 405 Radinka Dissanayake 421
Nimuthu Witharana 410 Vinith Bawantha 315
Nethindu Sethunga 250 Therunee Karunaratne 589
Hema Abeysinghe 563 Sandanindu Batheegama 275
Showing results for round #18 of the Scrabbler of the Year (SOY) 2019-Leg 3. Please see below for for other rounds links.