Player Score Player Score Spread
Vinuri Gunaratne 287 Preethi Perera 472
Ometh Rajapaksa 309 Ashan Wanasinghe 386
Malini Gunasekera 329 Therunee Karunaratne 384
Senuka Seneviratne 412 Celina Randeniya 100
Senuka Seneviratne 412 Nishan Thilkaratna 392
Ahamed Akeel 455 Sapumal Gamage 245
Shamil Muaz 392 Neville Perera 393
Kavindu Malawaraarachchi 383 Kumari Goonesekera 512
KMK Kulathunga 464 Kasun De Alwis 304
Luxman Cooray 321 Hema Abeysinghe 371
Showing results for round #2 of the March Scrabble Bash 2019. Please see below for for other rounds links.