Game Result Player Score Player Score Spread Total Spread Wins Position
1 Lost Isath Fonseka 239 Fareeda Akbarally 418 -179 0.0/1 1
2 Lost Imad Irshad 399 Isath Fonseka 220 -358 0.0/2 53
3 Lost Isath Fonseka 180 Zora Wahab 506 -684 0.0/3 60
4 Lost Nadil Gunaratne 306 Isath Fonseka 59 -931 0.0/4 69
5 Lost Yasasi Madawala 418 Isath Fonseka 231 -1118 0.0/5 68
6 Lost Isath Fonseka 140 Kalan Hasmitha 141 -1119 0.0/6 79
7 Lost Neville Perera 374 Isath Fonseka 257 -1236 0.0/7 80
8 Lost Isath Fonseka 197 Asheyl Ariyasinghe 273 -1312 0.0/8 80
9 Won Isath Fonseka 163 Amresh Ariyasinghe 126 -1275 1.0/9 68
10 Lost Sanjeevan Shashvin 195 Isath Fonseka 125 -1345 1.0/10 63
11 Lost Isath Fonseka 193 Thevinuli De Silva 243 -1395 1.0/11 999
12 Lost Ayansa Gunathilaka 437 Isath Fonseka 215 -1617 1.0/12 69
13 Lost Pasindu Madhujith 323 Isath Fonseka 268 -1672 1.0/13 69
14 Isath Fonseka 1 Bye -1671 2.0/14
15 Won Isath Fonseka 99 Kalan Hasmitha 97 -1669 3.0/15 68
16 Lost Kalan Hasmitha 267 Isath Fonseka 244 -1692 3.0/16 67
17 Won Kalan Hasmitha 226 Isath Fonseka 279 -1639 4.0/17 67
18 Lost Isath Fonseka 266 Kalan Hasmitha 274 -1647 4.0/18 65
Showing standings after the last completed round. To see results for each round, please select round number from the list below