Game Result Player Score Player Score Spread Total Spread Wins Position
1 Won Yashithi Dharmawimala (Uoc) 243 Madhuka De Abrew (Uok) 415 172 1.0/1 9
2 Won Madhuka De Abrew (Uok) 460 Janani Dias (Uok) 265 367 2.0/2 2
3 Lost Piumi Perera (Mora) 467 Madhuka De Abrew (Uok) 272 172 2.0/3 11
4 Won Madhuka De Abrew (Uok) 386 Navodya Ekanayake (Pera) 318 240 3.0/4 9
5 Lost Chamathka Pellegama (Uoc) 358 Madhuka De Abrew (Uok) 332 214 3.0/5 999
6 Lost Madhuka De Abrew (Uok) 318 Adithya Melagadoa (Mora) 399 133 3.0/6 18
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