Game Result Player Score Player Score Spread Total Spread Wins Position
1 Won Kyaan Perera 579 Sayuni Samaranayake 192 387 1.0/1 999
2 Won Eleasha Dias 362 Kyaan Perera 429 454 2.0/2 2
3 Won Kyaan Perera 512 Arianna Sirisena 322 644 3.0/3 6
4 Won Sharvesh Ketheeswaran 343 Kyaan Perera 355 656 4.0/4 5
5 Lost Udhev Prasath 429 Kyaan Perera 422 649 4.0/5 8
6 Won Kyaan Perera 420 Sayun Dasanayake 282 787 5.0/6 6
Showing standings after the last completed round. To see results for each round, please select round number from the list below