Game Result Player Score Player Score Spread Total Spread Wins Position
1 Won Kisandu Kumarage 307 Sayuni Goonetilake 97 210 1.0/1 999
2 Won Kenuka Samarathunga 149 Kisandu Kumarage 466 527 2.0/2 13
3 Won Aabidh Hassan 251 Kisandu Kumarage 256 532 3.0/3 5
4 Won Kisandu Kumarage 291 Neesha Gobitharan 125 698 4.0/4 8
5 Lost Pasindu Wijewardena 472 Kisandu Kumarage 232 458 4.0/5 7
6 Lost Nethumi Piyathissa 272 Kisandu Kumarage 205 391 4.0/6 16
Showing standings after the last completed round. To see results for each round, please select round number from the list below