Game Result Player Score Player Score Spread Total Spread Wins Position
1 Lost Sharvesh Ketheeswaran 446 Binuka Pathirathna 150 296 -296 0.0/1 999
2 Lost Binuka Pathirathna 124 Nehara Suwhindhie 153 29 -325 0.0/2 108
3 Lost Amresh Ariyasinghe 110 Binuka Pathirathna 74 36 -361 0.0/3 114
4 Lost Binuka Pathirathna 99 Yenalee Silva 299 200 -561 0.0/4 107
5 Lost Dimitri 96 Binuka Pathirathna 61 35 -596 0.0/5 111
6 Lost Senith Chandul 171 Binuka Pathirathna 169 2 -598 0.0/6 112
Showing standings after the last completed round. To see results for each round, please select round number from the list below