Game Result Player Score Player Score Spread Total Spread Wins Position
1 Lost Arafath Rahuman 344 Kevan Croos 457 -113 0.0/1 999
2 Won Sanuli Sehansa 151 Arafath Rahuman 280 16 1.0/2 93
3 Won Arafath Rahuman 331 Rageeth Liyanage 120 227 2.0/3 51
4 Won Arafath Rahuman 246 Sethuli Ranasinha 131 342 3.0/4 22
5 Won Dulin Fernando 113 Arafath Rahuman 371 600 4.0/5 14
6 Won Iyad Irshad 228 Arafath Rahuman 316 688 5.0/6 11
Showing standings after the last completed round. To see results for each round, please select round number from the list below