Game Result Player Score Player Score Spread Total Spread Wins Position
1 Lost Dulain Wanigasekara 373 Adithi 171 -202 0.0/1 999
2 Lost Adithi 218 Nevan Ramanayake 389 -373 0.0/2 99
3 Lost Adithi 141 Tharuli Sehansa 178 -410 0.0/3 117
4 Won Dimitri 71 Adithi 156 -325 1.0/4 109
5 Lost Adithi 162 Nehara Suwhindhie 163 -326 1.0/5 100
6 Lost Adithi 149 Sanjeevan Shashvin 269 -446 1.0/6 101
Showing standings after the last completed round. To see results for each round, please select round number from the list below