Game Result Player Score Player Score Spread Total Spread Wins Position
1 Won Sandithya Wijerathne 242 D.B.Pinidu Hasarel 65 177 1.0/1 1
2 Won S.M.W.Gihansa.Methul 83 Sandithya Wijerathne 225 319 2.0/2 13
3 Won Sandithya Wijerathne 409 Krishon 109 619 3.0/3 8
4 Lost Gagana Dinujaya 184 Sandithya Wijerathne 167 602 3.0/4 1
5 Lost Sandithya Wijerathne 159 Imanda Wanninayaka 278 483 3.0/5 9
Showing standings after the last completed round. To see results for each round, please select round number from the list below