Game Result Player Score Player Score Spread Total Spread Wins Position
1 Lost Navindya Anuthmi 43 Bpds Karunathilake 243 -200 0.0/1 1
2 Lost Thasandi Dassanayake 105 Navindya Anuthmi 39 -266 0.0/2 68
3 Won Devinya 114 Navindya Anuthmi 117 -263 1.0/3 71
4 Lost Navindya Anuthmi 105 Lakdini Yehansa 241 -399 1.0/4 60
5 Lost Navindya Anuthmi 107 Sasiri Abewardhana 184 -476 1.0/5 67
Showing standings after the last completed round. To see results for each round, please select round number from the list below