Game Result Player Score Player Score Spread Total Spread Wins Position
1 Lost Lelum Rathnayake 241 Sachiv Prasath 472 -231 0.0/1 999
2 Lost Mrf Rifna 397 Lelum Rathnayake 373 -255 0.0/2 27
3 Lost Yameena Hashim 401 Lelum Rathnayake 274 -382 0.0/3 28
4 Lost Nelindie Dasanayake 375 Lelum Rathnayake 337 -420 0.0/4 32
5 Lost Lelum Rathnayake 250 Oshadha Senarathne 462 -632 0.0/5 33
6 Won Yameena Hashim 361 Lelum Rathnayake 383 -610 1.0/6 34
7 Lost Lelum Rathnayake 309 Tharun Priyadharshan 336 -637 1.0/7 33
8 Won Lelum Rathnayake 362 Oshadha Senarathne 350 -625 2.0/8 33
9 Lost Lelum Rathnayake 383 Shalomika Saverus 416 -658 2.0/9 30
Showing standings after the last completed round. To see results for each round, please select round number from the list below