Game Result Player Score Player Score Spread Total Spread Wins Position
1 Lost Bimsara Wickramasinghe 112 Akshaya Jayakarunakaran 284 172 -172 0.0/1 67
2 Lost Bimsara Wickramasinghe 154 Andrew Keshav 296 142 -314 0.0/2 79
3 Lost Shabihah Veero 270 Bimsara Wickramasinghe 170 100 -414 0.0/3 83
4 Lost Akila Paranavithana 193 Bimsara Wickramasinghe 156 37 -451 0.0/4 85
5 Lost Bimsara Wickramasinghe 112 Mithurshan Kumar 144 32 -483 0.0/5 86
6 Lost Kiyara Desilva 172 Bimsara Wickramasinghe 145 27 -510 0.0/6 87
Showing standings after the last completed round. To see results for each round, please select round number from the list below