Game Result Player Score Player Score Spread Total Spread Wins Position
1 Lost Aysha Hazmi 157 Nelindie Dasanayake 301 144 -144 0.0/1 2
2 Lost Himath Dasanayake 284 Aysha Hazmi 216 68 -212 0.0/2 119
3 Won Aysha Hazmi 183 Menushika Herath 167 16 -196 1.0/3 122
4 Won Dinithi Karunaratna 179 Aysha Hazmi 182 3 -193 2.0/4 90
5 Won Sanindee Serasinghe 242 Aysha Hazmi 244 2 -191 3.0/5 71
6 Lost Aysha Hazmi 121 Dinadi Karunasinghe 166 45 -236 3.0/6 55
Showing standings after the last completed round. To see results for each round, please select round number from the list below